Saturday, October 11, 2014

Paving Seawalls

Petunias Still Thriving in October
A Terrific Year for Annuals
Dusty Miller Looking Like Sea Coral
It is tough to concentrate on work as this year at the end of season we will be going to Florida to our new home.  We are excited to have our own house and put an end to sponging with the relatives for the winter.  The house needs a bit of work but I enjoy the process from design, install to finish although seems you never actually finish on your own piece of dirt or house.  A huge adjustment this winter will be taking all our critters to Florida with us and living in the city, close to the neighbors, going from 25 acres to .25, wow.
Unilock Rivenstone Paver Seawall 

Looks like these are the only pavers we will install on the Lone Tree Point job this year.  Construction is a bit behind and we have done most of what we can without the house being closer to finished.  This is gonna be a boat stopper when completed.

Super Slab Patio, oh Yeah
Controlling Rainwater

We are actually done with this job now and it is great looking.  I have not taken any photos of the finished product yet but I will.  We have to go back and do some extra seeding once the excavator is finished, this property is about three acres.  This piece of dirt makes me want to move, I fell in love with Pine Canyon Lake the first time I saw it but was already in a committed relationship with another chunk of dirt.  Oh well.
The gravel pit closest to our old shop has changed hands, meet Eric and his brother Eric.  I added to their workload this past week when I went rock/boulder shopping.  It is tough to estimate but I think the next job will weigh in somewhere around 175-250 tons or 350,000 - 500,000 pounds that' a lot of rocks.  When the first load was weighed it was 62,791 pounds with the truck.  The pit is only about three miles from the job site.
We Built This Berm 19 Years Ago
How To Plant Trees Where There Are Roots
The purpose of a berm is usually to retain water or reduce noise on busy roads, add trees and you have privacy as well.  The original conifers that were installed were Austrian Pine, they became diseased and scrawny so it was time to start over.  The new tree are White Spruce we are also removing the sod between trees, leveling the bed, installing edging, weed barrier and crushed stone to reduce outdoor chores.
Potato Launcher

I followed this behemoth down State Road 120, it bombed four tater's on the road the short time I was behind it, think it needs a tailgate?

Lunar Eclipse

It was fun watching the eclipse Wednesday morning, the dogs did not seem to get what we were doing standing out in the cold, dark, morning staring up at the moon, but as usual they were up for it.
Under the Deck, No Problem

Almost Finished With This One
The weather is chilling and the leaves changing, this weekend is brilliant, colors amazing.  I hope to get out and drive up north this weekend, open the sunroof of the HHR let the wind blow listen to Jimmy Buffett maybe a little Bob Marley, run the dogs along the dunes of Lake Michigan, need to take the time.

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