Saturday, June 9, 2012

The Merger

We are well underway with work  at an old friends new house on Clear Lake and I am fortunate enough to be given creative license on the project.   What was actually an error in ordering pavers turned into  much needed additional patio space by adding just a little over 45 square feet where we merged the paver walk from the lake, patio and snap cut stairs with the porch entrance.  I am certain everyone will enjoy the extra space and I suspect occasionally they might use the portable grill on the lower patio.

The top patio will feature a full circle nearly nine feet in diameter.  This system is Paverlock and is manufactured in Cincinnati, OH our local distributor is in Kendallville, IN which is about 30 minutes south.  We are  still installing block and pavers made at the Reading Rock plant more than any of the other lines we represent.  They have a solid product line and middle of the road pricing. We enjoy supporting the smaller operations and companies.

The landscaping installation around a customers garage is complete although we are waiting on approval from the local landscaping ordinance inspector, we may need to install two trees to be in compliance.  Installing the trees is not a problem but the fact that no irrigation exists and our client is not always able to water makes success tentative.

On Jimmerson Lake we finished the hardscape and installed all the large trees and plants.  The natural stone walkways and fine beach area make this landscaping a sure winner.  We are waiting on the irrigator (or as one customer says irritator) then we will be able to complete the installation.  Hopefully that will be part of our schedule this week.  The customers are anxious.

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