This week we should finish the paver driveway on Clear Lake. The landscaping will follow close behind but requires a bit of redesign on my part, the home owner wants more extensive plantings with the addition of ornamental trees, more perennials and larger beds along the proposed fence which will complete the cottage garden theme.
The compacted limestone base made for easy driving and material handling on the drive installation. Bill is filling the material handling role and Ryan and Bruce Pardue are slapping down the pavers. Once a good rhythm is achieved they are a well oiled machine, they are finally able to use some time saving techniques on this installation secreting off 1" steel gas line pipes and laying sand with the tractor.

The tulips we planted last fall continue to make their peacock like display, they are spectacular even in the gray, cool, mist.

The drop in grill surround at Jane and Craig's should also be completed this week as Dave got a good start on it last week while Rick works installing the pavers on the entrance porch while dodging the movers who must use that entrance to get the larger furniture items into the house. Rick also got the block fire pit built out on the island and the island walk sanded.
If it ever stops raining Mike from Opus Building will get some top soil dropped around and we will start to stage the landscaping to prepare for operation green up next week. I always like it when we sod a new house because everything is instant pretty, all that green will set off the block and pavers, I
always get more excited as we chase down the happy ending.
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