Listen carefully because like his name Modeste, Boniface is modest, quiet, soft spoken but with bright clear eyes that dance as he speaks of wood carving. He has been carving since childhood and much of his career has been at Ladera where you are left to marvel at his skill, imagination and growth. Like many of the artisan craftsman who work at Ladera Boniface has learned much with on the job training.

His natural gift for wood is evidenced by each piece he creates. When he is not carving he can be found building, furniture making or doing a variety of masonry tasks. Some of his newer sea
scape's are simply outstanding. His stellar design skills marry his craftsmanship with every stroke of the chisel.
Boniface demonstrates his art form most Tuesday nights at The Ladera Managers Cocktail Party. Guests can even have custom carvings made during their stay at the resort. While he carves and answers questions a soft jazz father and son duo often provides a beat. It is one of those Ladera moments where everything is perfect.
The carving and wood working skills at Ladera are simply magnificent. The few photo's appearing on this blog are only the tip of the iceberg when it come to wood working. The furniture, hand turned bedposts, mirror frames, doors, hand carved cabinet pulls, wains coating, window frames, towel racks, sculptures and wall hanging are so beautiful you want to photograph each feature.
1 comment:
Wow, that's beautiful work!
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