101 Lakes living has greater meaning now that we have put the family yacht in at my cousin Cindy's on Jimmerson Lake. Ironically the 1986 Bayliner Capri is identical to the brand new one my buddy Darrell owned and ran on Coldwater Lake in 1986, man we had some fun times on that yacht back in the day. Cruising Jimmerson, James and Snow Lakes last week end was some much needed chill time from the business, we boated to Potowatomi Inn at Pokagon State Park and feasted on the brunch buffet Sunday.
You know you are getting old when it is difficult to get your moneys worth at a buffet and you find yourself floundering after half a plate. I still managed a fresh omelet even the chefs bad jokes did not spoil that delicious treat. We arrived late enough that we enjoyed breakfast and lunch as they brought out fried chicken, pork tenderloin and the salad bar after we had eaten our eggs and fruit. I was disappointed that they did not have any bread pudding one of my favorite local brunch items and of course champagne would have been a nice addition to my orange juice.
The striking swans that populate the channels and calm bays are handsome and seem eager to pose. Their serenity is disturbed easily by perceived threats and they angrily protect their chicks, the beautiful parents and awkward, ugly chil
This house on the channel between James and Jimmerson was completed just before the 4th of July last year. The stellar, glacial stone walls are hand stacked and free standing built by Theresa with a bit of help from one of the guys. The Canadian hemlock trees are the anchor plant that brings down the scale of the house and grounds the deck. The beds are full of shrubs, perennials and a few annuals stuffed with color, texture and form. Snap cut stone steps on both sides of the deck make getting to the lake a breeze.
Seems there are lots more water lily beds on the lakes now then I used to recall, don't know if that is good or bad but it sure makes for some great pictures. I always loved water lilies and have fond memories of snagging them from Crooked Lake while my sister Cass rowed us about. We would take them into Gramp's cottage and float them in bowls of water for our mom. The lakes ripples, colors and shadows made for some interesting shots last Sunday
My favorite photo of the day has got to be these dragonflies. The way they seemed trapped between water and sky as the clouds are reflected against the water, wow. Take a thousand photo's and maybe you get one that really turns you on, what a great surprise .
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