Sandhill cranes made their first appearance in these parts about 10 years ago and they are a delight. A cacophony of wild vocalizations from screech's to clucks to a near cooing, which is what this pair were doing upon my approach. They even do a pretty fair imitation of a tree frog. They are big birds, when I first saw one in our field I thought it was a deer or perhaps the neighbors emu had escaped. Chasing the cranes I spotted a tree mirrored in a low wet spot in the field.
These daffodils were waving at me and I picked up a really sweet scent, I followed my nose to the patio peach that had these glorious pink blooms. There is always something blooming as I walk from my home up to the office. The Juddi viburnums will open next week with their rush of fragrance so spicy sweet it fogs the air.
The boulder fire rock is a recent addition from one of our suppliers. I think it is pretty cool with the exception of the lava rock. A simple idea the gas rock is definitely a low maintenance fire feature that would add casual elegance to any surrounding. What a fun way to roast some marshmallows.
Wow, nice pictures of the flowers and the paver circle. Good job on the blog and in figuring it all out again.
Keep up the good work!! You are doing an amazing job.
I am really impressed with the round patio with the garden pavers. But when I saw that fire boulder, I really wanted to have one put in at the farm. I'm not finished going through the photos, but you really are gifted at this work!
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