Dressing up the pool area began with recovering a canary island date palm that was much neglected. This was definitely a case where function over took form as the CID was allowed to flourish because it provided grand privacy. But the unkempt appearance was no longer acceptable as the area had become unsightly. Our first task was to uncover the trunk of the palm and evaluate the bed. It was no longer feasible to plant beneath the tree as the root structure now dominated the immediate soil. The solution was a raised bed. By building a wall we now have adequate soil to install plant material. My plan is to install a bed of white begonias. I went to the local nursery to purchase the begonias as soon as the wall was complete. However I was denied their purchase because they had just sprayed all the plants with insecticide, I was told to come back Monday. Canary Island Date Before

Canary Island Date In Progress

The New Bed Ready For Planting
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