Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Stone Walls, Swinging Boys, Stoops & Stairs

One week from today I will be in St. Lucia working once again at Ladera Resort consequently these last two weeks have been extremely busy as I attempt to get everything accomplished before my departure.  Yesterday I smashed my finger with a rock on the hand that is already swollen and bruised from another work injury I now realize how much I use my left index finger when typing.  In addition I got my ankle ran over when I was helping Jessica push a wheelbarrow full of dirt up hill.  Bruised and bloodied I was jolted from bed by one of my dogs, Finn who apparently ate something that did not agree with him and has spent the last three hours vomiting, the first load right next to the bed, good thing I love my dogs.

Last year I bought some water lilies on clearance at the end of the season and this pink one has been blooming for almost two weeks, the yellow lily was beautiful as well.  When visiting Brazil a few years ago I saw the giant water lily pads, the leaves are so big and strong you can set a small child on the leaves.

This Allan Block porch and paver job is one Bruce designed for an old friend of ours.  We removed the old wooden deck last week and hope to have the new patio completed for company this week end.  The steps are finished and will be flanked by a hand rail.  It should be a huge transformation.

The Lake James job is in the final stages we ran a bit behind last week as we had to work around the pier installation.  The snap cut staircase, bluestone custom stoop and rock walls with the large blue accent stones really tie everything together.  Hopefully today will be our final day as they are starting the basement dig out.  The customers are really liking the way things look and many of the neighbors have stopped by to marvel at Ryan's dry stacked glacial fieldstone walls.

I caught my great nephew in this action shot over the weekend as he was leaping off a platform with a rope swing much to his mothers chagrin, he already had one trip to the ER last week.  He is one high energy kid.

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