Friday, January 27, 2012

The Magic Castle

If Soufriere is St. Lucia's Disneyland then Ladera Resort is its Magic Castle riding the ridge 1,100 feet above Anse des Pitons looking down upon all she sees. Nearly indescribable beauty with all the eye absorbs, flora, fauna and ocean in a combination that is monumental and I am privileged to once again live and work here.
The harbor is ever changing with yachts, dingies, day-sailors and water taxis dropping the hook; it sparkles with their mooring lights at night. Tankers, cargo ships and cruise ships push north and south on the horizon delivering goods and tourists. The Pitons themselves guard the entrance of the bay as they have for centuries, Gros Piton to the left and Petit Piton on the right as I look out to the Caribbean Sea.

Hummingbirds flit and hang wings pumping furiously as they drink from cat's whiskers and firecracker blooms in the mountainside garden that serves as my forth room wall. The intimacy with nature is amazing. Saturday is my day for relaxing, I think I will spend much of it in my room appreciating the view and looking forward to the night when Venus, the moon and stars will dance before me as I close my eyes.

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