Sunday, October 17, 2010

Specimen Tree Shopping

Saturday Bruce and I went shopping for trees at Idriss & Company in Sturgis, MI, Ramze Idriss is the grower and while I prefer one stop shopping it is sometimes necessary to search for specific items grower by grower. Actually we could purchase plants much cheaper and in some cases at the same cost as our re-wholesalers but often such purchases are not as convenient or cost effective when you factor in going to the grower and tagging the trees then driving back with a large truck and trailer for pick up.

But it sure is a good excuse to take the dogs to the country and select the perfect specimen dogwood to finish my job on Clear Lake. I am in pursuit of one Kousa Dogwood and a Fir to replace one we planted last year that died. Bruce needs three Kousa's and a Skyline Locust.

Ramze has nearly 50 acres planted with some beautiful and extraordinary specimens if one is so inclined. I had a definite image of the dogwood I wanted and Ramze allowed me to field prune my choice, that is custom service, now I hope we can get it installed without breaking a branch.

I am standing in the hole left behind by a 50" tree spade Ramze showed me the crater left behind by a 90" tree spade but I did not jump in because it was full of mud, not that we have had much rain.

These Golden Crabapples were loaded with fruit, brilliant yellow pea sized apples left behind foliage drop. The columnar oak that Bruce is standing beside is one of the finest specimens I have seen. This tree is especially useful on the narrow lake lots we landscape since it stays under 15' in width at maturity.

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