Pets are usually entertaining, I visited with some clients over the week end and observed some pretty cool and entertaining animal behavior. They have a small schnauzer and a young part Siamese cat who chase and wrestle each other incessantly they had me howling. Next time I go I will get some video to post those two should get the $10,000 Americas Funniest Videos prize money.
They also had a new litter of kittens to show me. Faith said to look behind the euonymus and sure enough there was momma cat and her brood of five. There are many reasons that shrubs are valuable, appearance, temperature control and air purification. They are also nurseries for many mammals and insects but this is the first time I saw a cat raising her family in a shrub. Really sweet.
The end is in sight on the hard scape of our large landscaping installation and the house construction is nearing the finish line as well. The lakeside patio is complete and the seawall will be fine tuned today. We pulled down part of the seawall to install an 8" drain tile that will handle all the water from the roadside of the property, M & C Trenching drilled a 10" hole through the 12" thick seawall and poked the pipe through, it will be painted black today and the rocks will camouflage the pipe.
The roadside patio and boulder retaining wall are down to the last few feet. We will keep the fence side open as long as possible to ease material handling then we will complete the boulder outcroppings and start planting. I met with the clients over the weekend and finalized the plant list and discussed location of plants. It will be exciting to install the plant material, it is like putting the trim on a new room, it ties everything together.